Simply Money: A Successful Acquisition Story

Seeking answers to complex problems that are all-too-familiar to principals who run mature advisory firms, Cincinnati’s Simply Money Advisors found a partnership with Allworth Financial.
The Backstory of a Partnership
Respected Cincinnati-area RIA, Simply Money Advisors, whose long-successful marketing model had slowed in recent years, sought to both jump-start its growth and provide one of the firm’s two partners with a path to retirement. Additionally, they sought to accomplish all of this while maintaining a high-standard of client and staff member retention, loyalty and care.
A Common Advisory Dilemma
Simply Money’s (SMA) once enviable growth had hit a wall. Due to an older client demographic, any new AUM was offset by client mortality and retiree distributions and was no longer keeping pace with prior years or with expectations. Additionally, one co-founder was preparing to retire, while the other, Nathan Bachrach, was seeking to continue working, but hoped to change his role and scale back. The long-time business partners needed an option that re-invigorated their marketing, provided a viable exit strategy, and enabled well-known, brand-asset-and-marketing-engine Nathan Bachrach to continue to be identified as a key element of the firm.

The Solution
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