Partner Stories
What’s it like to partner with a larger firm? How does it really feel to sell your business? And what happens to your career and those of your employees? Everyone has a story. And every story is unique. Allworth’s partner stories are about more than just the deal.
They are about the individual lives and the unique paths of the people who chose Allworth.

Chris Brown – Discovering New Horizons
As easy as it is to imagine life as a rancher in Texas, Allworth partner-advisor Chris Brown makes that image a reality. So why did Chris and his Houston Asset Management advisory firm partner with Allworth? And how does he balance the operation of his ranch with his responsibilities as a senior leader for the firm? What’s life really like after the deal?

Mark Shone – Getting Back to What Matters
An Allworth partner-advisor since 2021 – when he sold his $340M RIA, Shone Wealth Management – Mark Shone has always loved new challenges and has worked tirelessly for the betterment of his clients. But he wasn’t fond of all the operational responsibilities of running a thriving firm. In Getting Back to What Matters, Mark says out loud the things that a lot of successful advisors think: Yes, you can get your life back, and once again enjoy your profession, if you partner with the right firm.